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#01 (08Jul00) Unexpected Growth

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Subject: Jen wellness update #01 (08Jul00) Unexpected Growth
From:      Karl Horton

Dear All,

thanks for thinking of Jen on Friday night.

Friday was a difficult an unexpected day for Jen: she'd expected routine consultations with various doctors involved in her treatment.

However, the radiation oncologist spotted that Jen's tumor has been growing at an unexpectedly high rate. The physicians responded quickly to this change of events, and have radically revised Jen's treatment plan.

A fast growing tumor may well respond well to chemo and radiation therapy, so the new plan is for Jen to have this therapy as soon as possible, and not to undergo surgery at this time.

The good news is that if this therapy is successful, Jen's speech and eating will be affected less. The bad news is that if Jen's tumor proves resistant, the surgery will be more invasive.

Jen's immediate family are all here in San Francisco, and we've had a good, if tiring, day together adjusting to the new set of circumstances.

We've all derived immense comfort from the knowledge that so many of you are thinking about Jen: she's been overwhelmed, touched and cheered by the emails, phone-messages, packages and letters.

We'll try and keep you all informed - forgive us if we may need to lay low sometimes and take space for cogitation.

love to you all, Karl.

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Page last updated: Monday, 05 March 2001 17:55:46 Eastern Time.